Lobethal Freight & Warehousing

Manage Customers
This screen allows you to create and manage customers of the warehouse.
This screen allows you to create and manage customers of the warehouse.
Customer Name | Contact | Phone | ||
Tuscan Path | Jason Taylor | jason.taylor@tuscanpath.com.au | Edit | |
Pakall Pty Ltd | office@pakall.com.au | 07 37114444 | Edit | |
Robbart Terracota | Grant Clifford | 0439 988 411 | Edit | |
Lobo Cider | Michael Stafford | 0417 868 490 | Edit | |
Chene Australasia Pty Ltd | Andy Greivier | 0439657903 | Edit | |
Barristers Block | jansiema@barristersblock.com.au | 8389 7706 | Edit | |
Test | Edit | |||
Agritrading | Matt McAulay | mmcaulay@agritrading.com.au | 0427 453 101 | Edit |
Mark Vella | Edit | |||
Kakaba Wines | Chris Milner | kakabawines@internode.net.au | 0438 987 010 | Edit |
Chain of Ponds | Chris or Les | accounts@chainofponds.com.au | 8389 1901 | Edit |
Carbine Industries | Edit | |||
Cummins Milling Company | Linda | 0499 898 032 | Edit | |
Pressco Services | Mike Press | Edit | ||
Mike Press Wines | Mike Press | 0419847192 | Edit | |
Lobethal bierhaus | 83895570 | Edit | ||
Australian Pure Fruits | Annette/Ken | 8389 6966 | Edit | |
Caspak | Cam | cam@caspak.com.au | 03 9540 4020 | Edit |
Thomas Foods | Dan. Lobethal | Edit | ||
New Era Vineyards | 8389 7715 | Edit | ||
Scarpantoni Estate Wines | David Fleming | 83830186 | Edit | |
Noon Winery | Drew | 0439807456 | Edit | |
KI Ciders | Graham Jones | Edit | ||
Chassin Barrels | Warwick Billings | Edit | ||
Mt Bera Vineyard | Greg Horner | Edit | ||
Kauri Aust | David Hunt | Edit | ||
Greg Clack | Edit | |||
Siegel Adhesives | Ken Reynolds | ken.r@siegeladhesives.com | 0437 550 160 | Edit |
Cork Australia | Wes Gilson | wes.gilson@mac.com | 0431 061 849 | Edit |
East End Cellars | Edit | |||
Warwick Billings | Warwick | tokolosh@penalvagold.net | Edit | |
Lost Buoy Wines | Josie | josie@evansayers.com.au | Edit | |
Riposte Wines | Tim & Dale Knappstein | 0413 876 068 | Edit | |
Wicks Estate | Edit | |||
Unico Zelo | Edit | |||
Wine Delivery Australia | James Munn | james@winedeliveryaustralia.com.au | 0428 861 707 | Edit |
View Road Wines | Brian Tuckfield | Edit | ||
Catlin Wines | Darryl Catlin | Edit | ||
Lansdowne Vineyards | Edit | |||
Woodlands Hill Grain Pty Ltd | Edit | |||
Chatenois Pty Ltd | Sam Vigara | samv@blueskywines.com.au | Edit | |
Amadio Wines | Danniel Amadio | Edit | ||
Agrus REL Australia Pty Ltd | Glen Bramley | gbramley@argus.com.nz | 0409 947 796 | Edit |
Murdoch Hill (Erinka) | Michael & Charlie Downer | Edit | ||
Rathmine | Steven Read | Steven.Read@michell.com.au | Edit | |
Ambleside Distillers | Trudy Dickson | 0408834010 | Edit | |
Atwills Wine | Conrad | conrad@atwillswine.com | 0401 398 236 | Edit |
Five Acre Wines | Peter Macintyre | Edit | ||
Vitiworks | Edit | |||
Anderson Hill | Ben Anderson | 0412 499 149 | Edit | |
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Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
Langtons warehouse 5 | Edit | |||
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Eurochem | Matt McAulay | matt@eurochem.com.au | 0427453101 | Edit |
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Balgownie Estate - Bendigo | David Lawson | 0448917105 | Edit | |
Portia Valley Wines | Todd Newman | 08 71601120 | Edit | |
Thorn-Clarke Wines | Peter Kelly | 08 8564 3036 | Edit | |
Cardiness Vineyard | Julie & John Summers | john@cardiness.com | 0412515068 | Edit |
Grapeworks | Neil | 0439220155 | Edit | |
Auld Family Wines | Sam | 0433079202 | Edit | |
Golding Wines | Edit | |||
Equity Logistics | Manager | sales@equitylogistics.com.au | 03 93842550 | Edit |
Manon Farm | Monique Milton | 0476173114 | Edit | |
Shobbrook Wines | Tom | 0438369654 | Edit | |
Beerenberg | Edit | |||
Jet Technologies | Sheryl Campbell | scampbell@jet-pa.com. | 02 83994999 | Edit |
Ronic International | c/ Matt -Eurochem | 0427453101 | Edit | |
Greatorex Textile Industries | Edwina Greatorex | medical@greatorex.com.au | Edit | |
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Macbryde Horwood Agencies | Dave | 0434961017 | Edit | |
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Affinity Biotechnologies | Ryan Sheridan | 0499 112 093 | Edit | |
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Golding Wines | Edit | |||
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Vina La Linea Pty Ltd | Peter Leske | peterleske@internode.on.net | 0437652743 | Edit |
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Ekam Global | Edit | |||
DouglasDale | Edit | |||
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Cryptology left a note | detto818tw@gmail.com | detto818tw@gmail.com | Not specified, contact me via email | Edit |
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